Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Big brother

Hi all,

I have a pretty cool big brother, Roman. I like him a lot. He makes me smile.

I think he likes me too. Although he doesn't like everything I do. He doesn't like it when I poo. He yells, "Miles pooed!! Change his nappy!"

Also he doesn't like it when I cry.

To be honest, I don't like it when I cry either.

He's pretty cool.

Until next time,

Monday, February 25, 2013


Hi All,

I've had a very bad case of pimples.

Really bad.

Pimples everywhere. My face, my scalp, my chest, arms and back. Awful.

Thankfully they have improved a lot.

Now I just have to work on getting rid of my double chin!
Until next time,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

More about sleep

Hi there,

Have you met my mum? If you have you might know that she likes routine and predictability. When my big brother was a baby she was what is called a "routine mum." That means that my brother would have naps and feeds at the same time each day. Mum figured I would follow this routine as well. But alas, that was not to be.

Do you know why? Because I get sleepy a lot. I sleep when I'm meant to feed. Which means I then feed when I'm meant to sleep and then the routine is all messed up. Mum has decided to just go with it at the moment so I get to sleep whenever I want! Mum was afraid this would mean that I wouldn't sleep at night because I have so many naps during the day but surprisingly I have (mostly) been sleeping really well at night.

The last couple of nights I have gone to bed at about 7 - 8pm and then slept until about 1am and then right through to 5 or 6 am. Mum says if I keep this up I can have as many naps as I want during the day!

(In the interests of truthfulness, I should also mention that I have had nights when I've woken up 5 times. Mum does not like those nights so much)

Until next time,

About Me

Hi there!

My name is Miles Oscar Paul Young.

Yes, that's right - I have 2 middle names. Strange, huh?!

I am pretty new to this world. I made a pretty fast entrance, with mum and dad only making it to the hospital with 10 minutes to spare.

Do you know what my favourite thing in the world is? Sleep. I love to sleep. A lot. All the time. I also like to scream. If I'm not sleeping I'm probably screaming. And if I'm not screaming I'm probably sleeping. I'm sure I'll learn some new things soon.

Here's some of my key stats:

Birth weight 3900gms
Length 49cm
Head circumference 36.5cm

I'll tell you some more about myself over the next couple of days.

Until next time,